Thursday, August 30, 2007

First time for everything!

I woke up early this morning to go the morning market with a colleague and found that is was raining! I do love the rain! Wendy, another teacher in the college, said she didn't think many people would be out selling because of the weather. We decided to go for a little walk anyway and found many people there, not as many as usual, but several. We had walked down the street and were heading back towards the college when I felt something near my right pocket and turned around to find a man had a long pair of tweezers and had stuck them in my pocket to retrieve my money. I've never had that happen before! No wonder fanny packs are in here in China (I know Chelsey, can you believe it!?), not so much as a fashion, but a necessity. We stopped and look at him for a minute and he looked at us and then he ran away when we started toward him! There was a whole group of people standing around us, everyone was very nice and sorry about what had happened. He didn't get very much, only about 40 yuan, which is less than $6. Wendy and were fine, though, no one was hurt, so that's okay! Now I know! Don't go to the morning market without a fanny pack!! Wendy was shocked, she'd heard about that happening, but had never had it happen in front of her. I minute later we were buying some apples and some women came by asking about what happened, they said they saw the guy earlier watching us and that we must be careful with our money!
Last night I was able to talk with one of Miranda's students, Lucy. She and Miranda were very good friends (Miranda is the teacher who was here last year). I went with her to the computer lab and we looked at pictures and I spoke with one of the law professors here. It was so funny! In this computer lab were about 6 boys and it smelled like teenage boys, I thought of Brian's room... They all sat very close so they could listen to us talk, I felt like I was on stage. One boy was very quick to bring me a cup of water. They were very polite and fun to talk with. The students love the opportunity to pracice english because it just doesn't happen very often here. Very few foreigners in Weifang! Life is still good and I am getting better adjusted everyday! On SUnday I will venture to church, we'll see how it goes! Much love!

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