Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week one!

Hello everyone! I hope this shows up for you in english! My end is coming up in Chinese! Who knows whats going on! I have arrived! Things are very different here! The driving is incredibly scary, they basically do whatever they want. If they are behind someone who is too slow, they will go on the wrong side of the road to avoid them. People ride their bikes and walk mostly. I went to the store yesterday with my supervisor, Wendy. She also teaches english, very sweet girl! The grocery store was 5 stories high, one floor was food, the other books, toiletries and school supplies, another was electronics, another clothes, another shoes. It was insane! I took a bus ride there and a taxi back, the bus was 1 yuan which is just a few cents american. The taxi was 6.60 yuan. 100 Yuan is about $12, just to give you an idea. I can't believe how cheap everything is! I bought TP, towels, bug spray, a note book, a Chinese-English dictionary and a few other things for less than 100 yuan. Yesterday was so hot and very humid, sweating like a pig!!! I use kleenex for my face, neck and chest now, not just my nose I'm wiping any more! The people are so friendly and very service oriented! The service in the stores and on the airplane was like nothing I have ever seen before! They also stare at me quite a bit, but I am pretty sure I am the only American for miles, except for Bob, the other foreign american teacher, but he's Japanese American. I am loving it! I can't wait for school to start and the students to get here, the freshman came in today, they were decorating when I left my apartment this morning. I will post the pictures so you can see the campus, it's a great campus! I love you all!