Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fun with Karaoke

So this is funny. For the word Karaoke, they have two chinese characters and then the letters "OK" for kara OK, isn't that funny!? I thought so!
Well, the moment I hoped would never come actually came. I hope you've all enjoyed it. I have to say I actually kind of proud of myself for doing something SO out of the ordinary for me, and I even did it on stage, in front of hundreds of people and for cameras!!! I am pretty sure they only really liked it because they love Titanic and I'm American, because I had these two things going for me I won their hearts!! AND I even won a prize and a certificate. I won new bedding, isn't that great! What a good idea, something useful! Now I can wash one set and use the other, it's perfect!
Monday was a huge day! I taught my first class and then did the performance. My class went well, I think, for a first time english teacher. Several students speak very good english. Many need me to slow down and enunciate, I will work on that. I am learning the bus schedule/system which is making life much easier since I am needing to rely on people less and less. Now, if I could just master Chinese...
Yesterday night I went on a little field trip with a man from America and some other teachers and students. He, his name is Abe and he's from Miami, just built a hotel in a nearby town and is trying to find some employees from our college. We went on a tour of the hotel and then had dinner, it was very nice. His nice assistant sat by me at the table and put food on my plate the whole meal so I didn't have to embarrass myself with the chopsticks. I'm doing much better with them, but I am not a pro...yet! I WILL master the chopsticks!
I love you all and I have posted a few more pics on photobucket, I will email you all!

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