Thursday, September 6, 2007


I just wanted to write and announce that I went shopping myself! I am so proud. I will admit that the bus didn't go to exactly where I thought it would, but I knew the area so it was fine!! Yeah, buddy! That's the only new exciting news I have right now. I still don't know my schedule, but I turned in some Teaching plans and since they will most likely be all the same level, they should work for all classes with only minor adjustments. Well, this one will be short, I must get back to practicing for my upcoming performance! Ah, the pressures of stardom....


Aubrey said...

What a fun adventure you are on! Enjoy every moment of it and make TONS of memories to last a life time. LOVE YA!! Aubrey

Adrian said...

KAROKE! haha... I can just picture you right now. the main song that comes to mind is the one you made me listen to over & over & over! yeah the one I hate...haha. It sounds like you are having quite the time already...Good luck! Love you

Give Joy Calendar said...

Oh Kyla,
I'm so enjoying reading your bolg. Sounds like your gettign comfortable in your surroundings and meeting some great people. You must post your karyoke shining moment. All the kids and I send our love. Keep posting.