Sunday, September 16, 2007

Honking in China

This weekend was great! Incredibly busy, but great! On Saturday I went to Jinan with one of the other teachers to make plans for our trip to Tibet in 2 weeks. Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province. It was gorgeous! We visited 2 parks and they were amazing! Enjoy the pictures on photobucket!
I also went to Qingdao on Sunday. What a beautiful city! It's a seaside city and just wonderful! On the way to my destination in the taxi, I was discussing with myself the reasons for all the honking in China. I have compiled a short list for your enjoyment:
When drivers honk it means one, or more, of many things:
1. I'm passing you, so stay out of my way.
2. You are a pedestrian and I am a bus/car/scooter/bike get the hell out of my way or I will run you over!
3. You are driving too slowly, move!
4. I'm chaning lanes, get out of my way.
5. I'm letting you know of my presence.
So, there you go. Enjoy.
I'm still adjusting to the different level of expectations when it comes to sanitation/personal hygiene. The bathroom at the bus station in Jinan was interesting, I decided to wait until I could enjoy my own personal squatter without an audience of 20. Let's just say open room crammed with women, 6 or so at a time squatting over cracks in a cement slab. Lovely! I used the one at the travel service office. :) No audience. Perhaps too much information, but since when was that unusual for me!? Sunday was fabulous! I met some wonderful teachers in Qingdao and other wonderful families! Everyone is so extremely kind! I have several invitations to stay with families in Qingdao! Love it! I also think I will be adding more classes to my schedule, which will be so fabulous!! I love you all! ENjoy!

1 comment:

Khyl and Danielle said...

Do they honk for squatting in public? I'll back you on waiting, I couldn't go with an audience either, I think its because I have my mothers thighs!!! Keep up the writing and pics!