Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Funny students!

Okay, this is the last blog before my big trip to Tibet!!! Hooray! I am teaching 6 classes now!! Yahoo! I am so glad to be busy!
In one of my classes yesterday, it was our first sessions together, we played a little game so I could get to know them better and their names. There are 2 boys in the class. One of them is named Admiral, he is funny! Tall, skinny and speaks very well! I was standing near him, listening to a girl introduce her neighbor and he looks up as she paused and he said "Kyla, you are very beautiful!" I think myself and his desk-mate were the only ones who heard. It made me laugh! I, of course, said thank you. It was just random! Then later, as they were leaving one girl, Lily, came up to me and said "I will miss you" and he came over and said "I will miss you very, very much!" They are so cute! AND funny! They think I am so funny, I like that. I wish you could hear the way this kid speaks, it makes it so much better coming from him!
I have begun talking to myself when I am in my room. I feel like my mother...again. I think more and more students will want to come over and practice english, I hope so, because man! I am out of books and I can't afford to walk around all the time, I buy things. LIfe is good though, I really enjoy teaching! ANd I am learning more words!!
We had dinner with the University Pres the other night. It was the Moon Festival. A very big deal here. They used to offer mooncakes and watermelon to the full moon, I believe in gratitude for giving light. It's more a time now for families to gather together. Moon cakes are not very good. They are very pretty. I will take a picture and show you. Love you all! I will tell you about my trip to TIbet...that may take a while, maybe just highlights and pictures, of course! Happy Golden Week!

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