Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sunday fun!

I hear many people are posting on my blog, that makes me so happy! Keep it up! I can't actually read them, but my Dad is going to copy them to me! Thanks for reading the novels!
Yesterday was the best day! I went with two accounting students, Mark and Lucy, to two wonderful museums here in Weifang. The first is one of the few old style architecture buildings left in the area, it was built in 1885 by a very rich man!. It's huge! To find out more details you can look at the pictures on photobucket. As I was walking through these incredible courtyards and archways I just kept thinking, I am actually here, I'm not looking at someone elses pictures! AMAZING! After that we went to the Kite Museum. Weifang is famous for it's kites! Every year in April they have the Kite Festival and people from all over the world gather to fly their kites, it's apparently quite the spectacle! I am very excited to go! The kites in this museum were so beautiful! Very ornate and detailed, it must take hours upon hours for the makers to complete them. One kite that won an award was a pair of shoes for children. They are tiger faces and they are/were worn by the working class people's children to denote power and because they found them "handsome". After that we walked around Kite Square, which is a beautiful park with lots going on in the evenings. We had lunch at KFC, Lucy's favorite. Then we rented a paddle boat and played in the river, I should note that we did not swim, because this water is disgusting.
Lucy and I came back and had a rest and then went back to the park to see the water fountain show, which didn't actually happen. We will try again later. But, on our way to the bus stop from the university, the best thing happened! This old Chinese lady, maybe in her 70's, was riding on her bike with a cart. She was, of course, staring and so I smiled at her as she passed. SHe then stopped and looked back and smiled and started speaking in a very excited manner and grabbed my hand and kept telling me how beautiful I was and how much she loved me eyes and how tall I was and was I from America and how old was I. She was the cutest thing ever!! It was so great! We stood there for probably 5 minutes. She had a good solid, strong handshake. I wish I would have taken a picture with her so you could see her. I hope maybe I will see her on the road again. It was great! Then when we were at the park we met the nices man with the cutest, fattest baby! As an aside, all the little kids here wear crotchless pants (not the kind you are familiar with, Khyl and keep your mind out of the gutter, Dad) so that when they have to go potty they just go. No diapers, maybe cloth, but that's all. I think it also has to do with squatters. These are toilets here. They are holes in the ground that you squat over to go. I used my first one yesterday! It was even automatic, so when you stand up it flushes. Ha! It's a good quad workout! Luckily, though, in our apartments, we have real toilets! Thank you!
A little miracle happened this week as well. I was walking to my apartment from my office craving a candybar and a sandwich. On Saturday night several wealthy men in the city came to the university to meet with some friends and meet me and one of them is a professor here and he has a brother in California. He left our little pow-wow for a minute and came back with a Snickers bar. His brother sent him a box full of stuff from America! God loves me! And love you all!


kathy said...

Kyla, I am so glad you are having so much fun! Feeling like a celebrity! I have heard about the children in China and those crotchless pants. I can not imagine! Aren't the children just so cute? Do you notice people only having one child? I know that I have always read that because of government regulations but I always wondered if that was true.
I love you!

Khyl and Danielle said...

How did you know I wear crochless pants?!!! That is just too wierd.